Posted tagged ‘prayer’

Praise God

September 6, 2016

My father God I talk to you in times of dark despair

“Lord ease my lot” and “make thing right” reflects my constant prayer

But then again when things are bright, and fear is far away

I spend my days in mindless ways, forgetting what to pray.


But I should praise you every day and never count the cost

Come rain or shine, in pain, or fine, when even all is lost

You will provide my every need and even more than this,

If I will only give my life completely to your wish


Come Holy Spirit move in me and lead me to your side

Providing wisdom, strength and skill and energy beside

To do your will, is my desire in every breath I take

To purify my life for you, and save it for your sake


I glorify you Father God, and hand you full control

Take all I am, my life my work, my treasures and my soul

Refine me in your fire of love and turn my face to you

That I may fill my days in praise, and all my faith renew.