Archive for the ‘love poetry’ category

In the moment

June 18, 2008

I look into your face and feel the yearning grip my stomach

Squeezing and pulling me into your aura, your garden so scented

Whispering pines over languid butterflies and drenched orchids

Humid with promise and soft certainties.

Your hair framing the deepness of your eyes full of a sad happiness

Opening wide and blurring in the moment, and soft sighs rocking to the rhythms

And textures, as the light flickers and flames, and a thousand candles bright the sky

And the dream slows to a quiet pulse.

Fires all around, voices echo and rise and the music peaks and weaves

Drifting on into the sleep and mellow haziness of dreams

Comments lost forgotten float in the mind, our souls entwined

Like laughing butterflies in secret gardens

Thoughts of you

June 18, 2008

The passing winter fires my heart with thoughts of you

In flickering shadows I return again to seek your hand

I reach, and reaching through the dark, to find the light

I feel your fingers touch my mind – and take my heart.

You guide me through the shades of greys and hold me still

And lift your face your tumbling hair to find my sight

And touch my eyes to see again your mirrored smile

The hidden images that walk my depths and haunt my soul.

The Journey

June 18, 2008

In life’s dreaming I sense your face, and feel warmth

But momentarily….and the flush is gone.

And the dream took me on a train clattering forward

I saw a head in front, which responding to my stare, turned

And I was unprepared – to see your face, the penetrating look, serene countenance

But then gone – too fast to register lost in the drifting thoughts of the train.

You left in a dream, your troubled dream where heart shut down mind, and your compass shattered

Your spirit was swooped away in a rush of wind; leaving a normal midday with sun, and soft insect murmurs and clouds drifting.

You returned to your own afternoon, song-lit and soft echoes, chasing the light

All business finished, a clean separation, from me – from us

A brief reflection, in a train in a dream.